Jelani Media


Jelani is a 22 year old photographer from the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing up, he had a passion for creative expression and a love for cars, so it was only natural that he would combine the two and pursue photography. At the age of 16, Jelani began shooting with 35mm film, and soon realized he had a special eye for automotive photography. His interest was not limited to cars, however; he also has a passion for portraiture and capturing the beauty of everyday life. He currently lives in Japan, and his work reflects his love for both his home country and the culture in which he currently resides. Jelani’s photography is characterized by his unique use of color and light, as well as his ability to capture the essence of the subject matter. His work has been praised for its ability to make viewers feel as if they are looking through the lens of a master. Jelani’s photography is a reflection of his passion to capture the beauty of the world around him. He continues to strive to create works of art that will move and inspire his viewers.


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